News and Events

Tobacco Free Partnership Chair Charlotte Lord Retires!

June 4, 2015

For nearly 6 years, the Tobacco Free Partnership has had a very committed Chairwoman, Charlotte Lord. 

Charlotte started attended meetings in 2009 when she began as the Director of Facilities, as well as Director of Policy, for Dixie County Schools. Charlotte has been instrumental in posting tobacco free signage at all schools, including the sports fields, and spearheading policy changes at the school board.

While principal at Dixie County High School, Charlotte was very supportive of the SWAT (Students Working Against Tobacco) club. She reported that she saw firsthand the difference it could make for students.  As Chair of the Tobacco Free Partnership, she continued her support of the Dixie County High School SWAT club, and worked closely with the School Board to promote the goals of the Partnership. 

Charlotte Lord

Charlotte will be retiring from the Dixie County School Office after a 43-year career in teaching and administrative positions. She also plans to step down as the chair of the Tobacco Free Partnership, but she will continue to be an active member of the Partnership and will continue to support the work of the SWAT Program.

Ms. Charlotte will be greatly missed as the TFP chair and we hope she enjoys her retirement!